Saturday, May 28, 2016

Keep It Bern-in'

So to recap: we have lost Bowie... and Prince... yet Trump is still around. It's been a rather depressing year so far.

Taking it outside: Bernie speaks to overflow crowd during his April 12
rally at Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY. Photo: Jeremy Clowe
One bright spot for 2016: Bernie Sanders. It was exactly a year ago this month that the Vermont senator announced his candidacy for President of the United States. As I understand, it was at the urging of veterans (for whom he has worked so hard), so Memorial Day weekend was perfect timing to launch the campaign.

Personally, I didn't even know who Bernie was a year ago. All I knew is that I felt uneasy with the idea that the Democratic Party was "anointing" Hillary Clinton (I, for one, do care about her "damn emails"). Following some work at the UN, my wife and I spent a long weekend in Vermont last July, and that's where I really started hearing about "The Bern." At first, I thought it was just hipsters being ironic....but no, he was the real "New Deal."

Captain America! A true civil war:
canvassing during the NYS primary
It was the Democratic debates that sealed it for me. Bernie not only talked the talk, but walked the walk. Here was a "once-in-a-lifetime" candidate who seemed to share my values when it came to the ideas of social justice and equality. I wanted to know more, so the obvious place to turn was the media covering the primaries. I was surprised and disappointed to learn that the mainstream outlets offered very little, and what it did seemed rather disrespectful. New York Times... NBC News... CNN... all so-called "reputable sources" that I trusted... as someone who has worked for and with media over the years, it was truly a depressing realization to learn about the corporate influence. If you believe, like I do, that media has an opportunity if not a responsibility to educate, it is indeed troubling.

Over the years, you always heard conservatives complain about the so-called "liberal media," when, in reality, the more progressive voices seem to be distorted as well (if presented at all). This, quite frankly, is what lead me to start donating and volunteering for the Sanders campaign. I surprised myself at how good I was, and actually enjoyed it... phone banking, canvassing, and even serving as a poll watcher for the New York State election (Bernie won our District handily, as he did most across the state...even if he did not win New York). 

Feelin' The Bern! Getting fired up during his August 10 rally 
in Albany, NY. Photo: Jeremy Clowe
Going up against the establishment and corporate influences, Bernie has not let up. I greatly admire him for his integrity and tenacity. This past week's proposal of a debate with Donald Trump seemed too good to be true - Bernie would, no doubt, mop the floor with that dangerous pretender. Indeed, who knows what Trump's intentions for running are, but I have had my suspicions along the way... and they are quite disturbing.

Bernie still has an uphill climb (not helped by reports of election fraud taking place in my own state and others) so I'm not sure how this thing is shaking out. I do know that this "progressive" is forever changed and grateful. Thank you, Senator Sanders for educating us about true democracy and the idea of "a future to believe in." In the words of Bowie, you're "a star man," and have my support to the end.

The real scoop! Yearning for Bernie...with the original Ben and
Jerry at College of St. Rose, Albany, NY, April 15, 2016.
Photo: Jeremy Clowe