Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Spring Awakening

©Jeremy Clowe. All rights reserved.
Hi there. I know... I've been away from this blog for awhile. My bad. Things have gotten busy, but I hope to find more time to update you on my latest projects... even if it's just a quick note. Still have an eye on the big prize, which is what this blog is really all about.

Today I took the day off for some spring cleaning. Continuing the move from the Hudson Valley to our new digs in Schenectady... still a lot to be sorted, but things are coming along. 

In my last post I talked about my improv group, and how things were in a bit of transitionary period. Well, I'm happy to announce that we've gained surprising momentum, with some relatively new members adding to the enjoyment of carrying the group on... I mean, three straight weeks of rehearsals... imagine that! We're trying out some new things, and it is feeling good. 

This Thursday, May 16, we will try something entirely new− an event called PechaKucha, which is being held at The Berkshire Museum in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. For those not familiar, PechaKucha was started in Japan in the 2000s and is basically a presentation of 20 slides, shown for 20 seconds each (six minutes 40 seconds in total... a Powerpoint rep's dream!). The Royal Berkshire Improv Troupe has been invited to try its hand at some improv using the format... here's the catch: we won't know what slides are coming up, so it will be true improv. Of course I appreciate the visual end of things, and know from my experience creating media design over the past few years that there are a lot of crazy images out there! Show starts at 7 p.m., and there will be free adult beverages... so you can't lose.

RBIT rocks the Berkshires, 2013! Photo by Dan McManmon.
Courtesy Spectrum Playhouse. All rights reserved.
The next evening, May 17, I will return with RBIT to the Spectrum Playhouse for our monthly show, starting at 7:30 p.m. I have to give big props to the Spectrum for being most accommodating for us... the space has been great for shows and rehearsals, and they like us so much they already have us on tap for June and into the fall... it's funny... Lee, Massachusetts was never quite that exciting when I lived in the area, but cool to see the progression all the same.

Anyway, nice to have the outlet. Apart from that, I've been taking a lot of cool photos lately, and hope to share some of those with you soon. Ok, back to cleaning... and I promise I'll return here soon... xo

Related Links:

RBIT's Triple Crown Weekend, www.berkshireimprov.com

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