Thursday, November 5, 2015

Time Marches On...

Saving the clock tower, fall 1991

In honor of Throwback Thursday, here's a red letter date: November 5th!

Not only is this the date that Doctor Emmett L. Brown invented time travel (60 years ago), it is also the date that my mother was born (Happy Birthday, Mom!). Here are a few photos to mark this significant date in history.

That's me and my Mom (below) at Universal Studios Hollywood, taken during my year in Los Angeles, studying film. I remember being thrilled to see the actual set where they filmed parts of Back To The Future, as well as taking part in a little performance based around the film. Believe it or not, that's me standing on a mock clock tower set in a Doc Brown wig (one of my finest performances, I assure you). Also, a shot of me in front of one of the actual vintage cars used in the series. Somewhere I also have a photo in front of one of the screen-used DeLoreans, but it seems to have gone missing (as has my copy of the Gray's Sports Almanac...hey!).

If I had access to that time machine, I wouldn't mind traveling back to June of 1964, and watch the two crazy kids pictured on the left (my Mom and Dad) get about the power of love!

Thinking a lot about family and friends today, and those I have loved past, present, and future.

"Nov. 5, 1955: A Flux of Genius," Wired, November 5, 2009

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