Sunday, January 15, 2012

Coming on Strong

As of today, there are exactly six months until our wedding. In some ways it seems like a long way off, but it was about five months ago that I proposed to Sarah, so I know how fast the time can go! Sarah is looking up wedding songs at the moment-- I have pretty strong ideas about what I want played, but I have to be fair and give her a chance to also make some decisions... I guess! ;)

Today I finally managed to get back to the gym here in Schenectady. It has been a busy year so far-- with weekly trips back and forth to New York City, and working on various theater and video productions-- apart from taking some long walks during my lunchtime in Stockbridge, I haven't managed to get back to throwing some weights around. I do well with bench marks (no pun intended), so it is fitting that this day that looks forward to six months would be the day I start back in...

The truth is that I do so much better when I am exercising regularly. I feel more relaxed and in control--both emotionally and physically. I notice my posture, my breath support... that is especially true when I need to serve as a spokesperson at the Museum, and when I try to sing. I really would like to do more singing this year, and gaining that extra support from strengthened muscles around my diaphragm is crucial. In fact, if the improv thing takes off, I would benefit from the same.

I feel good... a little tired near 10 p.m., but that's a good thing-- I'll hopefully sleep better (and my girl is always telling me I need to get to bed earlier). The tricky thing is when to get these workouts in. It takes me about an hour drive back and forth to work, so the best time often is to get it in before I head to work. That means an early day-- getting up around 5:30 a.m. to hit the gym by 6 a.m. If I can manage, it's great-- I don't have to worry for the rest of the day.

One thing I need to figure out is when I am back in Hudson A Planet Fitness gym just opened there, and I paid them a visit last Monday to check out the scene. To be honest, it was a little odd. They bill themselves as a "no-judgment" zone, but I think their efforts are a little heavy-handed. You walk in the place and there's a big sign that says "check your egos here," but I didn't see a coat rack. Sign, sign, everywhere a sign... telling all of their rules. Apparently the chain has a "no grunting" policy, and there have been some news stories about guys getting kicked out for, well, being guys! It's a little strange. I'm no fan of the whole "musclehead" thing, but there's something a little ironic about a place marketing  itself as non-judgmental being one of the most discriminatory I have seen:

But maybe I will look into it-- Hudson's such a small town, so there's not many options (and the $10 a month membership is hard to beat). But I will be sure to boycott their pizza nights, Tootsie Rolls, and other silly things that seem to be the antithesis of what a "real gym" should be all about.

Anyway, I'm back on track, and looking forward to getting into great shape-- and now I have one more thing to keep track of on this blog.... arrrgh.

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