Before someone else asks, yes that is me in the audience for this show, Dr. Fuhrman's Immunity Solution! currently airing on PBS stations. Yes, I agree with much of the sentiment, even if the presentation is a little silly... but then again, so is much of TV:
Sarah and I sat in on a taping of this show at WMHT-TV's studios in Troy, New York, a few months back. It was an opportunity to meet again with some of the station's staff I had been getting to know, and make a quick buck (yes, we got paid to sit in the audience). The production was first-rate--the studio looked beautiful, and was well-coordinated. I don't know about the presentation though... the doctor seemed a little forced, and it had the air of one of those infomercials... but I'll reserve judgment until I see the final show (maybe I can fast-forward through the silly bits).
Having said that, maybe Dr. Fuhrman's book is worth reading. I know that Sarah and I have been pretty keen on learning more about the prevention of disease through natural foods--we are big supporters of locally-grown produce and co-op markets, and have been on a green drink kick ever since a recent trip to New York City... we even got a food processor and juicer for our wedding, so I'm ready to "go green"... we just need to learn how to make better wheat-grass smoothies than a few years back (was like having a glass of mowed lawn... blecch!).
This book looks interesting: (no canned audience reaction required!).
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