Saturday, October 20, 2012

Out of Sight

We were both pretty exhausted today... mostly hid out in our new home, sleeping and watching movies... Rock of Ages was pure cheese. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone... even the headbangers. A documentary on Morrissey was much better--still settling in after the other night's festivities.

Before Moz took the stage the other night, they played several odd, vintage film clips, and some interesting music videos. I recognized The New York Dolls, Sparks, and some of the old crooners, but this oldie was new to me:

"Out of Sight, Out of Mind" was performed by the group Shocking Blue back in 1971. I only ever heard of them from the song "Venus," which topped the U.S. charts around that same time. Apparently they were from the Netherlands. This song is cool in a sort of mod way... Interesting to learn what made an impact on artist like Morrissey.

Speaking of influences, it's pretty cool that I can now walk to a comic shop here in Schenectady... would be even cooler if I was still that into comics.

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