Monday, April 22, 2013

The Best Medicine?

What a difference a week makes. Last Monday morning who could have predicted the events that would transpire in the days ahead? The Boston Marathon bombing... Senate vote on gun control... the Texas fertilizer plant explosion... oy. Hard to find much to laugh about, yet last week also marked my return to performing with the Royal Berkshire Improv Troupe, and we had our first rehearsal on the same day we all learned about the bombing.

The Berkshires are not that far from Boston, and over the last ten years I have made frequent trips to Beantown... I have some truly fond memories, both personal and professional, and would certainly count it as one of my favorite cities. So it was unnerving to learn about this attack on a city with such charm and history, during a public event that has come to symbolize such good will.

As an event, the Marathon is also about endurance and triumphing over adversity. Keeping this theme in mind, the city of Boston certainly honored the victims of this tragedy. Last Friday was surreal, as I drove to work and heard news about the manhunt for the bombing suspects and subsequent lockdown of the area. All day long we were glued to the internet or TV trying to keep up on the latest of this very tense ordeal...
Photo courtesy and © Spectrum Playhouse. All rights reserved.

So as the evening rolled around, it was something of a release to join my improv comrades for our show at Lee's Spectrum Playhouse. It's odd... I remember starting RBIT over twelve years ago, right after September 11th, and there was something similarly poignant back then about being able to soldier on in the midst of darkened skies...

I haven't been to a RBIT rehearsal or gig in a few months, and there were a few changes. First, our friend and co-founder Frank La Frazia has moved to Brooklyn to further pursue his career. This meant filling the leadership role which he had provided for most of the last decade. I decided to step up and host the show, which was a new experience... not something I have done too often in this context, but it felt good. We had a meeting this past weekend to talk about the future of the group and it seems there is a desire to keep moving forward.

Waving goodbye to our friend Frank. Photo courtesy and
©Spectrum Playhouse. All rights reserved.
At this point, if I am to remain active with the group, I need to be able to take it to the next level as a performer. I have been checking out some performances recently with Schenectady's resident improv group, The Mop & Bucket Company— these guys certainly know their stuff... dipping into long-form improv, and benefitting from a fairly seamless presentation of their performances. 

My fellow improv buddy Paul and I decided to take one of their open drop-in classes, and iwas nice to get some outside feedback on how to strengthen our improvisational skills. The best piece of advice: jump into scenes without knowing what you're going to do. I tend to want to come up with the most clever lines, but that's not what this is about... it's more about being instinctual and truthful, which I understand... it is challenging, but most definitely funny seeing actors react in the moment and try to figure it all out.

Courtesy and ©Spectrum Playhouse.
All rights reserved.
So in the midst of all this uncertainty, our Friday show went great. It felt a bit more spontaneous, while still having the benefit of good rehearsal to support an underlying structure. I think I could actually keep at this for a little while, as long as the rest of the group stays committed... they seem to be. And so we move on... until the next big challenge... unavoidable, but not necessarily insurmountable. 

Post-show, as we celebrated at a nearby pub, news came over one of the TV screens that the second bombing suspect had finally been caught. It was pretty wild how in this new technological age things had been "resolved" so quickly... of course I feel for the friends and families of the victims, who are left with the task of finding some kind of peace...

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