Monday, October 7, 2013

The Rise and Fall

That's me (above), checking another one off the ol' bucket list.
The fall season has begun, and we're taking full advantage of it. Apple picking, hiking, and mostly pleasant, Indian Summer-style weather... I saw the most vivid rainbow I have ever seen, as well as some extremely cinematic lighting on my way home today (guess that's what happens when you follow a tornado watch). 

Last week it was me getting cinematic around Norman Rockwell Museum. With the help of some building painters, I managed a ride around our campus from the bird's eye view of a bright blue bucket truck, photographing/filming the Norman Rockwell Museum grounds like never before... now THIS is how to view fall foliage:

Photos by Jeremy Clowe for Norman Rockwell Museum. 
©Norman Rockwell Museum. All rights reserved.

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