Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Don't Touch That Dial

What an odd day. I think one of the strangest and least "productive" ones (at least in a creative sense) that I have ever experienced... but not for want of trying...

I returned to my full-time job, and had more than enough to do. One of the first things on tap was to accompany a videographer, for what I thought would be a few minutes in the morning. Well, that stretched out to be the entire day... basically just walking around, watching him do his thing... <<insert "yawn" here>>. At least at the very end of all this, he interviewed me on-camera. I have gotten quite good at this spokesperson thing... have I mentioned that???...

From there I drove out to the Capital Region to meet Sarah, and we served as members of the audience for a live TV show taping. Well... the production elements were nice... and it was interesting to watch the various staff producing the show (sweet mechanized camera cranes)... but I can't say it quite matched the fun of being part of the audience for this guy a couple years ago in New York City: 

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
04/14/10 in :60 Seconds
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

Well... at least we got paid. 

I'm hoping to have more time to be creative in the next few days... need to continue looking at my Spoken Word Almanac Project materials... and... oh yeah, planning for the wedding... "time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future..." 

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