Thursday, May 3, 2012

We Can Be Heroes

Alright, I've been talking a lot about superheroes this week... but there are many individuals out there who save the day in real life! Here is a list of a few heroic organizations that I have admired and, in some cases, volunteered for over the years, along with links to learn more about their outstanding work:

Me and my hero (and Spidey). 
Photo ©JClowe Experience Archives. All rights reserved.
1. American Cancer Society:

Dedicated to helping persons who face cancer. Supports research, patient services, early detection, treatment and education. 

2. American Red Cross:

Helps prepare communities for emergencies and keep people safe every day.

3. Amnesty International:

A global movement of people fighting injustice and promoting human rights.

4. Big Brothers Big Sisters:

A donor and volunteer-supported youth mentoring organization.

5. Greenpeace:

Utilizes peaceful direct action and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.

7. Humane Society:

Works to protect animals through advocacy, awareness, rescue and emergency response, investigation of cruelty, and by providing care through sanctuaries and wildlife rehabilitation centers, emergency shelters and clinics.

8. Make-A-Wish Foundation:

Enriches the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions through its wish-granting work.

9. Meals On Wheels:

Provides home-delivered meals services to people in need.

10. Peace Action:

Encourages practical, positive alternatives for peace.

...please share information on any other worthwhile organizations that I may have overlooked! 

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