Thursday, February 16, 2012

Make Your Partner Look Good

Damn. I'm back in the Berkshires. It's like the evening of creative logo designing was just a dream.

Oh well. The inspiration carries on... I had a productive night, and the wedding invitation is looking real good (with a couple helpful new design suggestions from my instructor). We should be ready to send them on to the printer this weekend... better not wait a second longer, because I think Sarah is getting stressed. Hey, "make your partner look good" is the motto of my improv group, and I take it to heart!

Photo by Sarah Edwards. All rights reserved.
Speaking of improv, RBIT has another performance tomorrow evening at the Spectrum Playhouse in Lee, MA, 7:30 p.m. Looking forward to getting my game on again. This weekend, back to helping the missus...

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing you ham it up later! ;-)

    -Sarah (I don't have a google ID so it's under Jeremy's name ID)
