Yesterday I spent some time sketching in my sketchbook− something I haven't done nearly enough of lately. I put on
Bombay Bicycle Club's latest album and just let my mind wander... it felt good. There was a purpose though− I was working out ideas for a logo for my independent business as a video producer/artist/all-around Renaissance man. It was something I have been considering for awhile, but finally embarked on after an assignment for my graphic design class.
©Jeremy Clowe. All rights reserved. |
As I mentioned in a post last week, it was difficult to just jump into logo design on the computer, trying to navigate Illustrator and choose a suitable font. Sketching out some ideas felt more natural to me... I used to doodle all the time, and this was very much in that vein. Somewhere along the way you can get sort of hung up on everything being perfect, and I think that's where I have faced the biggest challenge to my natural instinct to draw.
Logos are sort of different. I could just relax, and not worry about anything being too perfect, clever, or final. It was good fun to just brainstorm... I just need to allow myself to do it− take time to do it. I only really went online to look up some ideas that had been used before for videographers and filmmakers, and on a couple sites dedicated to logos: had some fun stuff.
So I'm trying to play off the name Blue-Eyed Soul Productions− I guess that's my new "company name" (I was using
jcloweproductions for awhile, but I'm not sure that's so original... only chosen because a lot of my friends had been calling me JClo-- you know, that's me... Jeremy on the block... yo). There were a few reasons to choose Blue-Eyed Soul... firstly because of my sparkling blue eyes (at least that's what my girl says), and second because it plays off the idea of soulful music and culture− sort of an attitude I aspire to... honest, deep, classic.
Careful about that foot-long deal...
Design by |
Hey, speaking of class, I thought this logo parody was hilarious. I just found it last night. It's funny, because I was talking with my instructor at the end of class last week about how lame the Subway logo is. Yeah, I get it... the arrows... this way for subs, right... but there are better logo designs that actually make me hungry. I mean, I like Subway, but the logo is sort of like the food I guess− nothing really out of the ordinary.
Design by Louise Fili.
All rights reserved. |
One of my classmates did a report the other week on the graphic designer
Louise Fili, who does a lot of work for food companies. She brings sort of an old-fashioned (in a good way), Art Deco, Italian/French sensibility to her work. I don't remember eating any of the products displayed on her website, but because of her design, they all appear high quality and like they would be quite tasty.
The Mermaid Oyster Bar. Design by Louise Fili.
All rights reserved. |
Chipotle poster design by Invisible Creature. rights reserved. |
Another example is the restaurant chain Chipotle. I have never stepped foot in one of these eateries, but a couple of their "farm to table" designs have been catching my eye lately. I think I would be inclined to stop in for a bite if I was in the area. Hey, if it works for Willie Nelson...
It's funny what good design can do. Now if I can only make my work appear just as appetizing to clients and the general public...
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