Saturday, February 18, 2012

our dance card is full!

Well, we didn't make it to the Dance Flurry Festival. Our first no-show for the annual event since I can remember. Too bad, but we had good reason to miss it, as the day was literally consumed with trying to finalize the design and order of our invitations, reply cards, and other printed materials for the wedding. Through this D.I.Y. endeavor we experienced a crash course in using graphics, advanced Photoshop applications, and creating for print (I tell you, this class is perfect timing). The printed materials have a nice overall design and color scheme, which feels good and was worth the effort.

The improv show went well last night. We had great feedback, including from another group of performers who had come to see us from out near the Boston area. I still can't believe we get paid to do this! Afterwards, the fun continued at our local karaoke pub, where I continued to perfect my rock star routine. So between improv and karaoke, I got my dance on well and good... I just hope Sarah and I can get back to taking some proper swing or ballroom lessons again soon.

Far from being a "Bridezilla," I enjoyed getting creative with Sarah this weekend-- she even joined us for our pre-show warm up last night. Here's some fun shots that she took during the show:

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