Saturday, May 12, 2012

POTUS and Movies and Bears... OH MY!

It's been an interesting week here in the Capital Region of New York. 

Last Tuesday President Obama visited the College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering in Albany to tour the facility and give a talk to a small group of scientists and engineers. "I want what's happening in Albany to happen across the country," remarked the President during his visit. 

She blinded me with science!
Photo ©Jeremy Clowe.
All rights reserved.
So... what exactly is nanotechnology and how is it helping Albany? I turned to Sarah Klein, museum educator at the Children's Museum of Science and Technology for the answer: "Nano refers to both a specific unit of measurement and a scale.  There's macro, that you can see with your regular eyes or more basic instruments; there's micro, objects you cannot see without the help of a microscope; and nano refers to anything that's too small to see with an ordinary microscope--It's basically studying things on an extremely small scale, and how we can engineer substances on an extremely small level. That's how we get more Intel into a computer chip, how they're working on designs to combat cancer... all sorts of different purposes and uses." Ok! Thanks!

The day after his visit to Albany, Obama turned his attention from small to big ideas, when he finally announced that he supported gay marriage. Well-done, Mr. President.

Things were also getting exciting just down the street from us, as Schenectady's Stockade district was transformed into the Washington, D.C. neighborhood of Georgetown circa 1971 (although honestly, there are areas down in the Electric City that look older than that--no film dressing needed). Apparently they working on an HBO film about Muhammad Ali-- I better look into that--see if I can also get into the ring!

And that wasn't the only exciting thing happening in the Stockade. The other day a young black bear wandered into the area and got stuck up a tree! No joke, that's literally right down the street from Sarah's apartment! 

The State Department of Environmental Conservation was called in, and luckily they got old Yogi down and safely returned to the countryside. 

It's a beautiful day out today. We walked up the road to look at our rings, which have finally arrived at the jewelers. We took care of the engraving, and it should all be ready by next week. We also began planning out our wedding ceremony, taking a look at suggestions from both of our co-officiants. It's fun to start planning out this big event and party. We have some fun, creative ideas-I think it's going to be the best day yet in the Capital district! 

Schenectady in bloom. Photo ©Jeremy Clowe. All rights reserved.

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